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Tutoring is available after school for all students.  Please see the schedule below for specific locations and times.

After School Tutoring location and times are being finalized.  Please check back later.

Tutoring is also available before school.  This tutoring is done by Give Every Child A Chance.  An application and acceptance is required for students to attend this tutoring.  

  • The Before High School Program (BHS) provides a safe, educational, structured, and fun before school program to students in High School.
  • BHS offers Homework Assistance, Activities, Clubs, and Recreation.  BHS works hand in hand with school personnel to provide a safe and supportive environment in the morning to ensure our kids have a positive start to their day.
  • BHS is open to any student attending the school where the program is conducted.  After the application process is completed, high school students can drop in when they want.

Click Here to fill out an application

Give Every Child a chance contact information